Data Packing

I was doing some random experiments using assembly and C. This is a simple example in packing 2 numbers inside a register in assembly. Let’s assume

$latex al < 2^{5}&bg=232225&fg=bbbbbb&s=4$
$latex bl < 2^{3}&bg=232225&fg=bbbbbb&s=4$

We want to store these 2 values inside the dl register. The dl register is of 8 bits, so 5 + 3 = 8 bits




String Length Function in NASM

In certain situations when I want to print some string to stdout we need the length for the write syscall in linux. So we can’t always depend on the $-string macro, which is valid for a defined string.

We use the REPNE (REPeat while Not Equal) instruction which will loop as long as CX != 0. Along with REPNE we use SCASB (scan byte string). It compares the content of the accumulator (AL, AX, or EAX) against the current value pointed at by ES:[EDI]. In the end we calculate the difference between offsets of the scanned string (EDI) and the original string (EBX) to find the length.

push ebx
push ecx
mov ebx, edi
xor al, al
mov ecx, 0xffffffff
repne scasb ; REPeat while Not Equal [edi] != al
sub edi, ebx ; length = offset of (edi - ebx)
mov eax, edi
pop ebx
pop ecx


Magic Folder Hide

This is a application which I coded in last year but I have forgotten to make a blog post. Using this tool you can create a ‘..’ folder in Windows and store your data inside it. No one can access your files using the explorer since the path is not valid, they can only see the name ๐Ÿ™‚

This trick can be used in pentesting and is widely used by malware for hiding other malicious files. I coded this tool just for fun ๐Ÿ˜€


Hiding Data Inside Memory Addresses

This is a small finding I found while I was experimenting on pointers in C. Usually in C the arithmetic on pointers depend on the size of the data types. If we initialize a int variable, the compiler will allocate 4 bytes in memory since its 32 bits. I assume you are well aware of these basics in C ๐Ÿ™‚ I wanted to store data inside the empty addresses allocated by int data type. This is a bit challenging in a high level programming language. Of course using inline assembly I could have achieved this. But I wanted to achieve this using native C operators.
To understand this letโ€™s begin from a simple approach.
