MySQL DoS in the Procedure Analyse Function – CVE-2015-4870

This is a crash I found in MySQL versions up to 5.5.45. In the function procedure analyse() I found this crash while passing a sub query.


So an Example POC would be:

Another way to run the payload would be by saving the payload in a file and redirecting the payload to “mysql.exe”

After the crash occurred if we check the Event Viewer we can see that “mysqld.exe” application has crashed which is great 🙂
The offset of the crash point is 0x000607f4.

After attaching the process to IDA we can see the crash occurs in the struct TABLE_LIST due to some field not getting allocated.

Taking Advantage

If you came across a website vulnerable to SQL injection you can simply perform a DoS attack so that MySQL server will not respond and the entire database of the website would be down meaning the website will be no longer in an active state.
In Windows based systems in a single request the process will crash. We have to manually restart the MySQL server.

In *nix systems mysqld will automatically recover but still if we keep on sending multiple GET requests with this payload the database will crash.
Here is a demo of performing the attack in a *nix system. But in here I have used a simple bash script using curl to send infinite GET requests.

This is the POC exploit I’ve written to take down a host which is vulnerable to SQLi and also vulnerable to this DoS attack.


Here’s a small video demonstration.

Other Advantages of Procedure Analyse in SQLi

Finding the Number of Columns easily

Procedure analyse function can be used to find the number of columns in the table which can be used to save time if you are performing union based injection. As you can see in the screenshot two results have returned meaning there exists two columns.

Injection after Limit Clause

In scenarios where the injection point is after the limit clause you can use procedure analyse along with updatexml and extractvalue functions as sub queries and perform SQL injection. Here’s an example using updatexml.

This example is using extractvalue.

I would be grateful to hasherezade for her support in the analysis.

As always there might be more things to be explored 🙂

Disclosure Timeline

2015-06-27: Responsibly disclosed to Oracle
2015-07-24: Under investigation / Being fixed in main codeline
2015-08-24: Issue fixed in main codeline, scheduled for a future CPU
2015-09-24: Issue fixed in main codeline, scheduled for a future CPU
2015-10-20: Acknowledged in the Oracle Critical Patch Update October 2015


Acknowledgement by Oracle




Click here for my other posts regarding MySQL and SQLi

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