Acknowledged by Opentext Reported a reflected XSS issue and a SQLi issue. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Acknowledged by DNSimple Reported some issues related to session cookies. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Rewarded by Squarespace For reporting persistent XSS I got rewarded by Squarespace. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Acknowledged by Scrumdo For reporting some issues related to cookies I got acknowledged. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Acknowledged by Samsung Reported many XSS and other web application related issues. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Acknowledged by Concrete5 For reporting many XSS issues and many full path I got listed in their release notes. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Acknowledged by Found DOM XSS in the index it self. For reporting it I got a nice certificate. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
5th Time in Nokia For the 5th Time in Nokia 🙂 Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Acknowledged by Sbudget For reporting many issues related to web applications I got acknowledged by Sbudget. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket
Acknowledged by Dribbble Reported a issue related to session cookies. Share this:TweetWhatsAppTelegramPrintMoreRedditShare on TumblrPocket