ZTE WXV10 W300 Multiple Vulnerabilities

Default Password Being Used (CVE-2014-4018)

In ZTE routers the username is a constant which is ā€œadminā€ and the password by default is ā€œadminā€

ROM-0 Backup File Disclosure (CVE-2014-4019)

There is a rom-0 backup file contains sensitive information such as the passwords. There is a disclosure in which anyone can download that file without any authentication by a simple GET request. (moreā€¦)

ZTE and TP-Link RomPager DoS


I think by now you know the security issues disclosed related to TP-Link routers. Iā€™ve noticed that some ZTE and TP-Link routers have the same ADSL firmware which is ā€œFwVer: HwVer:T14.F7_5.0ā€. I was curious to test the web application and I found out that the embedded server which is ā€œRomPagerā€ cannot handle fairly large POST requests.
Tested Routers: