1. Advisory Information
Title:Ā Ofilter Player WAV File Handling Division-by-zero DoS Weakness
Advisory URL:Ā https://osandamalith.com/2014/01/10/ofilter-player-wav-file-handling-division-by-zero-dos-weakness/
Date published: 2014-01-10
Vendors contacted: 008soft
Release mode: User release
2. Vulnerability Information
Class: Integer division by zero
Impact: Denial of Service (DoS)
Remotely Exploitable: Yes
Locally Exploitable: No
CVE Name: N/A
3. Summary
Easy Karaoke Player is a software that is playing karaoke, recording karaoke songs to wav format files. This application is able to read all types of multimedia files with an integrated multimedia player that is both efficient and full-powered.
4. Vulnerability Description
Ofilter Player contains a flaw that may allow for a denial of service. The issue is triggered when a user opens a malformed WAV file, resulting in a division-by-zero error and a loss of availability for the program. This can be exploited remotely by tricking a user into opening the crafted file (e.g., via email), or locally by placing it in a location that may seem safe (e.g., a network share).
5. Vulnerable Packages
6. Credits
This bug was researched by Osanda Malith Jayathissa.
7. Proof of Concept / Technical Details
[code language=”php”]
*Title: Ofilter Player 1.1 (.wav) Integer Division by Zero
*Version: 1.1
*Tested on: Windows XP SP2 en
*Vendor: http://www.008soft.com/
*Software Link: http://www.008soft.com/downloads_OfilterPlayer.exe
*E-Mail: OsandaJayathissa@gmail.com
*Bug Discovered by: Osanda Malith
*Twitter: @OsandaMalith
* /!\ Author is not responsible for any damage you cause
* This POC is for educational purposes only
file_put_contents("ofilterplayer.wav", $poc);
print <<< str
[+] Ofilter Player 1.1 Integer Division by Zero
[+] by Osanda Malith (@OsandaMalith)
[~] File Created "ofilterplayer.wav"
8. Report Timeline
2013-09-19: The researcher notifies the vendor 008soft.
2013-09-23:Ā The researcher attempts to contact the vendor
2013-10-05:Ā The researcher attempts to contact the vendor
2014-01-10: Advisory and public disclosure
9. Ā DisclaimerĀ
The information contained within this advisory is supplied āas-isāĀ with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise.Ā I accept no responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuseĀ of this information.
10. References
[1]Ā http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/124610/Ofilter-Player-1.1-Integer-Division-By-Zero.html
[2] http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/30550