Accessing the Windows API Directly

If you are into pentesting I am sure you might have heard about the IRB shell in the Metasploit framework. This will be a small post about accessing Windows API using Railgun. Using Railgun we can access different functions in DLLs during runtime in memory. We could also write our own DLLs and call them directly using Railgun. This technique is used in the Meterpreter scripts and post exploitation modules to access the API to perform automated tasks.
For demonstration I will be using a Windows 7 machine as the target and Kali as the attacker machine.
After owning the box in the meterpreter session type ā€œirbā€ and from there we can start the interactive ruby shell. The ā€œclientā€ will be our meterpreter client. We can access common API calls like this. Suppose I want to get the system information.

[code language=”ruby”]

Get the user ID

[code language=”ruby”]

x86 Linux Egg hunter

This is a small post regarding egg hunting on x86 Linux systems. I’d highly recommend you to read skape’s paper “Safely Searching Process Virtual Address Space” . He has described his techniques for Linux and Windows systems. I will be using one of hisĀ implementations. Ā I will use the access system call which is 33 for IA-32.

[code language=”c”]
#define __NR_access 33

The access system call can be used the check whether the calling process can access the file.
[code language=”c”]
#include <unistd.h>
int access(const char *pathname, int mode);

This is the x86 assembly implementation of the hunger code. It will search the virtual address space for our tag “AAAA” and begin execution of our shellcode. I am not going to explain this implementation. You can refer to skape’s document in higher detail.


Hackxor SQL Injection

You can download the complete challenge VM from here. They have provided the online version of first two levels. I was interested in having a look at it.

There is a login page and our goal is to extract all the usernames and passwords from the database.

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If you try injecting the login form, none of the injections would work. But there was this text called ā€œNo account?ā€ when you click it you get this message.

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After logging with demo:demo we are taken to ā€œproxypanel.jspā€ which displays source, target and date.

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Sim Editor Stack Based Buffer Overflow

Last week I bought a SIM card reader. Along with it came the software for it. It was SIM Card Editor 6.6. You can download it from here. The app is pretty cool. You can manipulate the SIM cardā€™s data with it. However I noticed something strange in this application. When we are loading file for example suppose with 4 ā€œAā€ characters we would get the output as ā€œĀŖĀŖā€. Just two characters will be displayed. When I gave the input as ā€œ4141ā€ the result would be ā€œAAā€. This time the correct output we need. What was the reason for this? From what I noticed was that when we enter ā€œAAAAā€ the hex values would be ā€œ\x41\x41\x41\x41ā€ the app will take two values each and evaluate to hex.

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When we give the input as ā€œ4141ā€ this is what happens.

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So suppose we want to enter a hex string we have to just give the input. For example we want to give the application ā€œAAā€ we have to give just ā€œ4141ā€. Taking that into consideration the rest was easy. The return address is overwritten with our buffer.
[code language=”python”]
buff = "41" * 500
with open("ex.sms", ‘w’) as f:


My ShellShockings

While I was suffering the interwebs my eyes caught a perl script which prints out the environment variables. For example something like this.
[code language=”perl”]
use CGI;

$cgi = new CGI;

for $key ( $cgi->param() ) {
$input{$key} = $cgi->param($key);

print qq{Content-type: text/html


foreach $key (sort (keys %ENV)) {
print $key, ‘ = ‘, $ENV{$key}, "<br>\n";

for $key ( keys %input ) {
print $key, ‘ = ‘, $input{$key}, "<br>\n";

print qq{<form METHOD=POST><input type="submit" value="Post Request">
<input name="postfield"></form>};
print qq{<form METHOD=GET ><input type="submit" value="Get Request ">
<input name="getfield" ></form>};

print qq{</body></html>};
[/code] >

Paypal Partner SQL Injection

One of the Paypal Partner websites was suffering from a POST SQL injection. Union injection was impossible in here.

[code language=”sql”]
LoginForm[email]=-1′ UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,

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As we cannot continue with the above error, double query injection works perfectly.

Reverse Engineering 101

This is a very basic tutorial on reverse engineering your first executable in Windows. This is a short application which Iā€™ve written just for this purpose, just a simple program which came to my head.
[code language=”c”]
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Name: Ultra Newbie CrackMe
Copyright: 2014
Author: Osanda Malith
Date: 30/12/14 07:51
Description: This a very basic crack me just for demonstration purposes.

enc (char cipher[], int shift) {
int i = 0;
while (*(cipher+i)) {
if ((*(cipher+i) + shift) >= 65 && (*(cipher+i)+ shift) <= 90) *(cipher+i) += shift;
else *(cipher+i) += shift – 25;

main () {
int i;
char msg[] = {0x53, 0x45, 0x43, 0x52, 0x45, 0x54, ‘\0’}, *in;
int key = 6+3;
enc(msg,key); printf("Coded by Osanda\n\n\n");
printf("Enter Pass\n");
in = (char *) malloc(20);
scanf("%s", in);
if(!strcmp(in,msg)) MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("Access Granted :)"),TEXT("Info"),MB_OK | MB_ICONASTERISK | MB_RIGHT );
else MessageBox(NULL,TEXT("Try Again"),TEXT("Info"),MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_RIGHT );
return 0;

Iā€™ll divide this tutorial in to two tasks. Task one is finding the pass. Task two would be patching the application so that any given user input would trigger the ā€œAccess Grantedā€ message box.
Before we start what is reverse engineering? Let me put it in this way. We write applications in high level languages such as C, C++, Delphi, etc. and they are gone through a process called compiling and converted into machine code. We write programs in different languages but regardless, the computer wonā€™t understand any of them. The closest language to the CPU which it would understand after assembling and linking would be the assembly language. Reverse engineering is the process of engineering an application once it is compiled into machine code. This is vastly used in malware analyzing, breaking protections in software, exploit development, adding more functionality into applications. There might be more than these few.


2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here's an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 38,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 14 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.