Executing Shellcode Directly

I found this post by Alex Ionescu pretty interesting. I recreated the poc and wrote position independent shellcode. It’s more like executing shellcode directly by the windows loader.

One could develop complete malware by dynamically locating the base address of kernel32.dll and once you locate the functions LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress, you can load any library in the system and find the exported symbols, in which you have complete access to the win32 API.

You don’t need to specifically write position independent code using assembly. You can directly code in C/C++ and extract the opcodes.

For example using the ‘InMemoryOrderModuleList’ LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY located in the PEB->LDR we can get the base address of kernel32.dll. Usually kernel32.dll can be found in the third LDR_MODULE in the double linked list. If you have done shellcoding under Windows these things should be familiar.

Windows Kernel Exploitation: Stack Overflow


This post is on exploiting a stack based buffer overflow in the HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver.
There’s lot of background theory required to understand types of Windows drivers, developing drivers, debugging drivers, etc. I will only focus on developing the exploit while explaining some internal structures briefly. I would assume you have experience with assembly, C, debugging in the userland.
This driver is a kernel driver. A driver is typically used to get our code into the kernel. An unhandled exception will cause the famous BSOD. I will be using Windows 7 32-bit for this since it doesn’t support SMEP (Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention) or SMAP (Supervisor Mode Access Prevention). In simple words, I would say that when SMEP is enabled the CPU will generate a fault whenever the ring0 tries to execute code from a page marked with the user bit. Basically, due to this being not enabled, we can map our shellcode to steal the ‘System’ token. Check the Shellcode Analysis part for the analysis. Exploiting this vulnerability on a 64-bit system is different.
You can use the OSR Driver Loader to load the driver into the system.
If you want to debug the machine itself using windbg you can use VirtualKD or LiveKD

You can add a new serial connection using VirtualBox or VMware, so you can debug the guest system via windbg. I will be using a serial connection from VMware.
For kernel data structures refer to this. I have used it mostly to refer the structures.
After you have registered the driver you should see this in ‘msinfo32’.

If you check the loaded modules in the ‘System’ process you should see our kernel driver ‘HEVD.sys’.


Lab01-01 Analysis

In my leisure time I like reading the book Practical Malware Analysis and I thought of sharing my analysis in the practical sections. You can find detailed answers in the book as well.

  • Lab01-01.dll – https://virustotal.com/en/file/f50e42c8dfaab649bde0398867e930b86c2a599e8db83b8260393082268f2dba/analysis/
  • Lab01-01.exe https://virustotal.com/en/file/58898bd42c5bd3bf9b1389f0eee5b39cd59180e8370eb9ea838a0b327bd6fe47/analysis/

Lab01-01.dll Analysis

If we have a look at the “Lab01-01.dll” file’s imports we can see that it uses network functions from “ws2_32.dll”. We can suspect that this file is responsible for network communications to the attacker.

But if we have a look at the exports section we see nothing, which is strange.

Patching Windows Media Player

I’m writing this post on the request of @rudr4_sarkar. This is a very simple patch in which you can open multiple instances of wmplayer. It basically uses the ‘CreateMutexW’ API to create a mutex object with the string “Local\Microsoft_WMP_70_CheckForOtherInstanceMutex”.


The pseudo code would be something like this
[code language=”c”]
HANDLE hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, L"Local\Microsoft_WMP_70_CheckForOtherInstanceMutex");
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) {

You just need to patch the ‘JNZ’ to a ‘JMP’ instruction, that will always jump to the good boy 🙂

disass (more…)

Random CrackMe

This is an interesting crackme I found randomly. You can download it from here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5r3a3uqsg1pbp4v/CrackMe1.zip

The algorithm uses the PID of the application for the serial key calculation. It also uses the ‘GetComputerName’ and ‘GetUserName’ win32 APIs in generating the serial key. The length of both results are used for the loops and each ascii value is added. These results are used in the final calculation in the serial key.
This graph is from the OllyGraph plugin.

View post on imgur.com


Data Packing

I was doing some random experiments using assembly and C. This is a simple example in packing 2 numbers inside a register in assembly. Let’s assume

$latex al < 2^{5}&bg=232225&fg=bbbbbb&s=4$
$latex bl < 2^{3}&bg=232225&fg=bbbbbb&s=4$

We want to store these 2 values inside the dl register. The dl register is of 8 bits, so 5 + 3 = 8 bits




String Length Function in NASM

In certain situations when I want to print some string to stdout we need the length for the write syscall in linux. So we can’t always depend on the $-string macro, which is valid for a defined string.

We use the REPNE (REPeat while Not Equal) instruction which will loop as long as CX != 0. Along with REPNE we use SCASB (scan byte string). It compares the content of the accumulator (AL, AX, or EAX) against the current value pointed at by ES:[EDI]. In the end we calculate the difference between offsets of the scanned string (EDI) and the original string (EBX) to find the length.

push ebx
push ecx
mov ebx, edi
xor al, al
mov ecx, 0xffffffff
repne scasb ; REPeat while Not Equal [edi] != al
sub edi, ebx ; length = offset of (edi - ebx)
mov eax, edi
pop ebx
pop ecx
